Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Spring-- a month behind usual

I hear that spring here is a month behind usual. That's why the temperature will only get to 20 degrees C instead of 25! But it is lovely. Puffy cumulous clouds in the sky and lovely spring flowers. The tulips are just about done, the rhododendrons are almost all out and the azaleas are just about to open. It is lovely.

I even might have some fruit later in the summer. My apricot bloomed for the first time about a month ago- though I have not noticed that bud got pollinated. Hopefully I will be surprised! My grapes also have little bud which might indicate grapes later. The raspberries are growing and I am expecting something from them.

I also planted a garden on the lawn. I put black weed cloth down to kill the grass and put in broccoli plants and then peas. The broccoli have little heads which I hope they will get bigger.
the peas have come up through the holes and yesterday I planted squash. Now let us see.

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